Competitors - Safeguarding

Events : Regulations : Access and Reporting : Trailer Access
Safety : Circulation on the Water : Safeguarding : Victor Ludorum


The organising committee of the Kingston Amateur Regatta (KAR) believes that the welfare and wellbeing of all children is paramount. All children, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, religion or ability have equal rights to safety and protection. All suspicions, concerns and allegations of harm will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and responsibly.


  1. Children and young people(1) competing at Kingston Amateur and Kingston Borough Regattas (KAR and KBR) can expect to participate in a safe and enjoyable environment.
  2. The regattas comply with the British Rowing (BR) “Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy.”(2) Competing clubs and schools are required, by BR rules, to be affiliated to the BR and are also required to comply with this policy.
  3. Club or school coaches, teachers or junior co-ordinators are responsible for the safety and welfare of their junior competitors at all times and they, or a designated substitute are expected to be available at the regatta while their crews are present.
  4. KAR and KBR officials, sponsors, volunteers, staff employed by service providers, e.g. catering, and the press and publicity agencies, do not generally have direct contact with, nor authority over, children.  However, each will be informed of their responsibility for vigilance and to report inappropriate behaviour
  5. Anyone observing apparent child abuse or inappropriate behaviour concerning a child or a young person should report it to Race Control who will immediately inform the Regattas' Welfare Officer who will respond to the matter according to the BR policy(2). This policy is incorporated in the regatta regulations and will be publicised at the regattas.
  6. The Regatta committee carries out a thorough risk assessment each year and BR vets its procedures and regulations. This ensures as far as realistically possible that the safety of juniors is assured.
  7. Once on the water, all rowers are subject to the regatta’s water safety rules and to the BR Rules of Racing which are implemented by BR qualified umpires.

Welfare Officer

The role of the Welfare Officer is:

  • To be fully conversant with the BR Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy.
  • To ensure that the rule stated in paragraph [5] above is included in the regulations and instructions to crews, the event programme and displayed prominently at the Regattas.
  • To advise the Regatta organising Committee on child and young person safeguarding issues during the organisation and hosting of the event.
  • To ensure that mechanisms are in place to ensure all regatta officials, volunteers, service providers and others are advised of the Child and Young People Safeguarding policy.
  • To attend the regattas and to deal with any incidents according to the above policy.
  • To liaise with the BR Lead Safeguarding Officer and other agencies, as required.


Anyone under the age of 18 is considered to be a child/young person

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Key Sponsors

Hampton Court
Royal Kingston Borough
Environment Agency